Web Design Melbourne Small Business
When you’re running a business it’s easy to think that you don’t need a website or to simply not even think about getting one. It probably hasn’t even crossed your mind as something that’s important. Most small business owners say they get the majority of their business through word of mouth and don’t really think about a website, which loosely falls under advertising. Even as a small business having a website can help your business and increase your customer base. Yes, most business owners say they get the majority of their customers through repeat business, or that they get new customers from referrals but what if there was an entire market available to you just waiting to be tapped into? What if you could attract new customers with a small financial investment and could then get back to running your business and doing the other things that you really enjoy? Well there is a simply way you can do that. You can attract new customers for very little outlay. All you need to do is get a website built. You may be thinking it’s complicated and will cost a lot of time and effort but it doesn’t. If you’re a small business then you’ve come to the right place because we can do web design for Melbourne small businesses. In fact the vast majority of our customers are small businesses so with our experience and knowledge you are in safe hands to build you a website that will help increase your customer base.
20 or 30 years ago people relied on the Yellow Pages to find out about businesses in their area and the book was only distributed to those in your area, so you could only actually reach local customers. That meant you had a very small potential customer base and that if you had a product that people only purchased once every few years like a new washing machine or a TV you were limited in what you could sell. Things are very different now and with increased internet usage a website is more important than ever before. A website gives you the chance to reach a global audience, so if you lived in a small town with only a couple of thousand people you can increase your customer base to billions, and that means your revenue opportunities are so much greater, giving you greater business security and more options.
To take advantage of the internet though you need to have a website and the website should be attractive to users. Some people think they can design their website themselves and despite what ads online say, you shouldn’t attempt to. You need to contact a web design company that caters specifically for small businesses. You’ve come to the right place because that’s exactly what we do. We design websites for small businesses in Melbourne and before we start the design process we will find out exactly what you need and will show you our other work so you can be confident that you’re going to get a high quality website that meets your needs of style and functionality. It’s not enough for a website to just be functional. It has to be attractive to the user or they’re going to leave the website after just a few seconds on the page and that is the last thing you want, especially when it’s your shopfront.
A good website will be easy to navigate and not overly complicated. If customers want to buy a product then you need to have a shopping cart facility. Despite what you would think, some companies actually display products on their websites that you can’t purchase and that is frustrating for the end user. You want to list the products with the prices and allow your customers to purchase products immediately. With the recent Coronavirus health pandemic people spent more time at home so being able to buy things became more important than ever before. A good website will also list delivery times so your customers know what to expect. If the product will take only a few days to arrive them state that on your website and if you will need to order it in for the customer specially and it will take a few weeks let them know when they order so they know what to expect. That will result in happier customers.
As we specialise in websites for small businesses in Melbourne we like to keep our websites simple and we want you to be in control. Most good websites have a home page where you basically introduce yourself, then there’s an about us page for you to go into details about your company. It could be your company’s history and ownership. Other pages might include a store, a gallery if you’re running a restaurant or an events company and then a contact us page. All of these pages are very important. An even better website though will also feature a blog. You don’t need to update your blog yourself if you’re too busy to do so. We can do it for you as part of the package. The purpose of a blog, other than to keep people on your website for longer by producing interesting content is also to help with your search rankings on Google. Search rankings on Google are essential because they allow you reach more customers who are searching for the exact product or service that you offer and that is half the battle. If a customer is already in the market for your product then it’s much easier to sell to them than selling to someone who isn’t in the market.
We’ve been designing websites for small businesses in Melbourne for a few years now and we’ve learned what things work and what things don’t work on a small business’s website. If you’ve got any questions or you’re thinking of getting a website built but you’re unsure of the process then give us a call and we’ll take care of it for you and explain to you the process so it’s effortless.